
ORG Membership Dues

Guests are always welcome to our launches. Anyone can come and watch, TRA members can participate. The club lets guest TRA members participate for free on their first visit but asks that they join and pay dues on their second to help pay for club operating expenses.

Dues are payable to the club secretary at any scheduled launch or any club meeting. Generally there is only one club meeting a year, which is the Annual General Meeting (AGM). Dues are as follows:

  • Senior (18 and older) = $40
  • Student (18 and older) = $20
  • Under 18 = $10

Membership dues cover the cost of the launch site, the venue for the annual general meeting and the launch equipment up keep. Senior and Student members are required to obtain TRA membership in order participate in rocket flying. For information about TRA and to join, please visit Tripoli Website. You will need to provide proof of active TRA membership when requested.

Here is the ORG membership application form. You can either fill it out and email it to, or send by snail mail to the address provided on the form. Payment can either be by check filled out to ORG c/o Bill Wagstaff, or can be sent by e-transfer to the email address provided on the form.