ORG – Home Page

Who are we? A club made up of rocketry enthusiasts from the Ottawa area. We launch rockets during the warmer months at our launch site in Clarendon, QC.

Must I join to just watch rockets fly? No. We welcome guests and spectators who are just curious, want to see what launches are like, or have questions about the club or the hobby.

Must I join to fly rockets? No, but you must be insured. Our club is a prefecture of the Tripoli Rocketry Association, and is insured under that association. The insurance only covers members of TRA, our launch organizer, the property owner, and spectators. It does not cover non-member participants, and does not cover us if we allow non-member participants. We recognize the certifications of CAR members, but anyone who is not a TRA member will need to prove that they have insurance coverage before they can participate, and must sign a waiver.

What does it cost? A beginner’s model rocket kit costs around $20, and can be launched over and over. The rocket motors for the beginner’s kit cost around $5 a flight.

How do I start? Come out to a launch event and see what we do. ORG members are friendly and love to share their hobby with interested individuals.

Want to join? Membership in ORG costs $40 per year for adults, $10 a year if you’re under 18, and $20 per year for students over 18. Dues are payable to the club secretary when joining. You can join the club at any scheduled launch or at the annual general meeting. The membership is for a calendar year.

How to get there? Our launch site can be reached by any of several routes. To get to our launch site, please READ and follow the information on the Launch Site page.

When do you launch rockets? We generally fly every month on Sundays subject to weather conditions. Summer launches are 10 AM to 4 PM and winter launches are 12 Noon to 4 PM. It is important to either join our Facebook Group or Forum in order to see the Go / No Go call made early in the morning on the day for our scheduled launches. The launch calendar is here.

What about safety? The Ottawa Rocketry Group is prefecture #69 of the Tripoli Rocketry Association (TRA), and follows the safety procedures defined by that body. For more information, see Please note that only commercially manufactured and certified motors are allowed at ORG launches.

More questions? See our FAQ.
